Program Description
The program is intended to afford each participant the opportunity to develop a wide-ranging knowledge and appreciation of dance as an art form. To accomplish this, students will study dance skills and techniques in a curriculum that is progressive and demanding of increasing levels of accomplishment and finesse. In order to present well-informed and sophisticated performances, dancers will study the cultural and historical background of the various styles and genres of dance. Additionally, students will explore basic concepts of choreography, and the affective aspects of dance as a medium of human communication. Each day dancers will participate in a double period of study that will include emphasis on both the applied and academic aspects of dance. Mandatory participation in performances and rehearsals will generate the ensemble credit.
An audition will be required for final selection. Qualified applicants will be contacted to schedule an audition, which will be held on
January 25, 2025.
Christmas Concert | December 15 at 3:00 PM | Pallotti's Gymnasium | Instrumental Music and Dance
Winter Dance Recital | January 21 at 6:30 PM | Pallotti's Multi-purpose Room (Cafeteria) | Dance
Scholarship and Arts Academy Auditions for Potential Pallotti Students | January 25 | Pallotti High School | All Departments
Spring Concert 1 | April 26 at 7:00 PM | Pallotti Gymnasium | Vocal/Instrumental Music and Dance
Spring Concert 2 | April 27 at 4:00 PM | Pallotti Gymnasium | Vocal/Instrumental Music and Dance
Arts Academy Dance Spring Concert | May 6 at 6:30 PM | Pallotti's Multi-purpose Room (Cafeteria) |
Leslyn Ham
Director of Dance